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Welcome. We are OTG, Occupy The Getty. We are a nonviolent peace movement. We Bring the Light of Truth. Jesus is our Commander. We are STO: Service To Others. We will end satanic forces on Earth. We will free the children. We are not STS: Service To Self. This webpage is to give you more information about SDK: Steven D Kelley and his mission to save the 100,00 Children Trapped Under The Getty Museum in L.A, California. Steven is a gifted Energy Healer, providing free healings on Saturdays. Steven is a weapons expert and today's high tech weapons utilize his work. SDK turned Whistle Blower when his deep inside access revealed evil plans by Wealthy World Elites. World Elites now fear this movement will bring justice and end their plans forever. Steven hosts his work on his radio show, 10 years running: His work is the most censored, stolen and original work. Read his book, Lasers, Cavers and Magic also on audio. Watch his VIDEOS on Getty, DUMBS, Tesla, Human Trafficking, Satanic people, Truth ,behind Politics, etc... Found above in the menu section. So much more, but start there when you're ready to help us end evil on earth. OTG/Home of the JEDI. We Believe.

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